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Founding Partner Morton Kimmel Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

In October, Governor Markell, the State of Delaware House of Representatives, and the Sussex County Council presented our founding partner, Morton Kimmel, with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

 Jack Markell Presents Mr. Kimmel with Lifetime Achievement Award

Mr. Kimmel was commended for his exceptional dedication to helping others and improving the quality of life in Delaware, especially for youth. In addition to serving as a respected and influential member of the Delaware legal community, Mr. Kimmel also serves as a member on numerous boards and foundations including the Kimmel-Spiller Charitable Foundation, Ronald McDonald House of Delaware, First State Police Foundation, and the Delaware High School Blue-Gold Basketball All-Star Games.

We are proud to have Mr. Kimmel on our team and support his dedication to improve the well-being of Delawareans.


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