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Kimmel Carter Blog &
News Updates

Sep 25, 2018
Kimmel Carter Celebrates Top Workplace Award
Kimmel Carter's third consecutive year being recognized as one of the Top Workplaces in Delaware.

Aug 30, 2018
Kimmel Carter Awarded Delaware's Top Workplace!
We are honored to be named one of Delaware's Top Workplaces for the fourth year in a row. Our staff takes pride in being efficient. effe

Aug 28, 2018
2019 Best Lawyers
Kimmel Carter is proud to announce three of our attorneys being named 2019 Best Lawyers. All three attorneys have won millions of dollars in

Jul 5, 2018
Kimmel Carter Wins Triple-A Championship
The Kimmel Carter Triple-A Baseball team has won the Brandywine Little League championship! Congratulations to the players and coaches of...

Jul 3, 2018
Sharing the Roadway with Construction Workers
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2016 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries reported that construction worker fatalities increased 6% between

May 24, 2018
2018 Super Lawyers
Larry and Jon have been selected as Delaware's Super Lawyers multiple times over recent years. This is Larry Kimmel's seventh consec

Apr 26, 2018
Tribute to Cpl. Stephen J. Ballard
We would like to acknowledge the life of Cpl. Stephen Ballard. It has been one year since Delaware lost a great officer and an incredible...

Apr 20, 2018
Our Memories of Mort
There is no way to explain the immense impact of Mr. Kimmel’s life with one person’s words. Mr. Kimmel’s accomplishments speak for...

Lawrance Spiller Kimmel
Feb 28, 2018
Pennsylvania & New Jersey Minimum Motor Vehicle Insurance Limits Behind the Times
You are driving home from work at 7:00pm on a nice clear winter evening, excited to get home to see your spouse and children before they...
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